So, what does one talk about in blogs. Looking over the various post of other people, it really seems that this a random grab at the current thoughts or situations going on in one's life (BTW... I haven't looked it up yet... does anyone know if Merriam-Webster has a definition of "blog").
With this in mind, I am choosing to share a bit about my most recent "epiphany". Now, I know this is going to come as a shock to you all, but w/ all the talk about "man cards" (Mark... yours is still revoked... sorry dude!), I started thinking about other status' that fit me. Here it is:
I'm a GEEK!
Ok... I know. For those you of you who have fallen down (either from shock or from laughing so hard that you missed your seat and hit the floor), I'll take a minute before continuing. Seriously though... after careful (ok... it doesn't even take careful evaluation), the signs are all there.
- I love Star Wars, can quote obscure lines from it (Yes... I know Greg, not as much as you, should you be reading this), and get upset when people say "So what that such-and-such happened out of order."
- I collected comic books, and if that wasn't enough... at one time... stamps (enough said).
- Monty Python is the funniest thing since... well... ever!
- One word... TROGDOR!!!! And for fun... the game:
- I love Techno and Trance music.
And if this wasn't enough, I think I might qualify to get the official Freak card too! Consider:
Z.) I can quote lines from just about every movie I've seen, and when a situation occurs in real-life, I often think of how much it mirrors some movie.
Y.) I have the armament requirements for a small militia (for all FBI reading this... PRANK CALL... PRANK CALL!!!! Sure, it is my hobby, but when I can get in a 2-hour debate about whether the M-16 or the AK-47 has the probability of being more accurate, and then move into a discussion about the ballistics of the S&W 500 (ooooo.... Chris just got goose-bumps thinking about that round... see what I mean), we have moved past hobby and into the realm of... something crazy (I can't think of a clever line... sorry... it's almost 0030.
X.) I use military time religiously (see the last post).
W.) If there is a line, established by "political correctness" (oh... whole other rant right there) or not, I feel the need to cross it. As my boss says, "Chris... you see the line and then run 38 miles past it, turn around and wave!"
V.) I find tattoos intriguing (at worst) and enjoyable (at best).
U.) While at times both irreverant and crude, I totally enjoy things like Foamy: The Psychotic Squirrel (
Ok... that is enough. Basically the point is that I recognize I am both a geek and a freak, and am finding that I sort of enjoy it. So, what are everyone else's thoughts. Agree, disagree, thoughts, concerns, questions... righteous indignation?! Maybe someon might even decide to out themselves and tell about their geeky or freaky qualities (and if not... I might just do it for them!).
Anyway, that is my fantabulistic (hey... it's my blog, I can make up words if I want to. Add it to the lexicon of Chris) 2nd post. Enjoy.
Ok... so after further thought (and watching the disappointing recent cartoon), I think that a warning/disclaimer might be in order for the "Foamy" link.
WARNING: This link contains foul language and/or/at times crude references. Also, if one enjoys Starbucks, you might not want to view the cartoons dealing w/ "Coffee Houses".
Seriously though... my intent in posting this link was not to offend or anger anyone, and upon further thought I realize that this link might do just that. Therefore, enter at your own risk.
Your over-analyzing friend... Gus-Gus!
I'll tell you what I told you the other night: I still have my Sensitive Man Card, and it's got a higher credit limit.
So there!
Forget is a "web log". Say it again, "weh-BLOG". It is a another word conconcted for the computer/internet age. Maybe we should revoke your "Techie" card.
Yo. Hum, twiter-pated. One would wonder if one would "twiter" assuming that is a verb, if spelled as pronounced it shouldn't be spelled "twitter".
Excellent use of Z, X, Y, V. :) How many brain cells did you fry trying that? LOL
The proper term for you might be "Geekus-gunus-silliopolis".
As for the whole movie quote thing, um.. err. Original. Maybe I should sit you down with Mel Gibson's Shakespear that way you can be ultimately obscure.
If you want to know weird check out my blog. Enough said. Other than I started programming in basic back when I was 8 (more than 22 years ago..yes I'm dated :P ).
I like all forms of music except "scream" and and elevator musak.
Bleh, got a long day of shoveling snow tomorrow. Got home from work and my car got stuck when I parked it. Go figure. :P
gusgus, are you going to wait for 26 post before you write again?
What did you think of my blog?
Like chad I most also give congrats the backwards thingy I about completely lost it when I scroll down. You are too funny sometimes.
Are you allowed to have a lexicon?
I agree with the diclaimer and was glad you stated it.
By the way Bes you are good. An excellent come back I am impressed.
Do you have a blog?
I just got the significance of gusgus. You crack me up, my friend! And hey, we're surrounded by geeks, so I figure we're all in good company.
I not sure what category I would fit into but here goes-- I love Epic stories. Good vs Evil I Love it when the underdog wins. I love how God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise!!I love thinking about Heaven and what very cool things God has planned for us. I love thinking about the New Heaven and Earth and all the things on can do on the new earth! Waking up next to a mountain or along side the ocean! I love the idea that we will never sin anymore! Ok, maybe this is a little too much for some of ya but this really goes through my mind (scary is it not)! I love the outdoors and wild weather. Hurricanes and tornadoes and big snow storms! I love the person who defends the weak and speaks a healing word to someones heart! "Let my teaching fall like rain and My words desend like dew, like showers on new grass..." Deut 32:2. I hate when men fight at hockey games. I feel so sorry for their poor heads. I want to scream dont hurt each other. So, not sure if there is ever a category I can be in! Me-Chell Hardy
Ok... some good commments that deserve to be answered.
Since we are all polling what cards we do and don't have (I still contest Madmup's "Sensitive Man card"... come on... the guy is a Batman freak!), I thought I should note for the record that I shredded my "techie card" long ago.
I work w/ computers for a living, but they are not my life... they are necessity, not a hobby. I will never claim to have a techie card, and will likely point those asking for "computer help" to others, either b/c others are more qualified or simply b/c I don't like bringing my work home.
Betty... yup... if you've seen Disney's "Cinderella", you should know where "Gus-Gus" comes from (long story... anyone interested, ask me).
Mi-Chell :P - I think the term some would have for you is "Religious Freak". Personally, I find your pondering of God, Heaven and the Word refreshing. Keep it up sista! :)
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